Correcting Cataracts and Astigmatism: Understanding the Difference

Cataracts and astigmatism are two very different things. A cataract is the clouding of the natural human lens, typically occurring after the age of 60. Astigmatism is an irregularity of the shape of the cornea, and it generally presents itself in the teens or early twenties. Astigmatism is usually hereditary, whereas cataracts are age-related. In the past… Read More
What is Laser Cataract Surgery?
The restorative ability of cataract surgery has come a long way over the past 10 years. The continued evolution of the femtosecond laser to perform the majority of the cataract procedure (rather than the older manual method) allows the surgeon and patient to aim for even greater accuracy when calculating postoperative uncorrected vision. This spectacle independence is… Read More
Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, so we’re sharing about what glaucoma is, how it is detected and treated, and the importance of annual or semi-annual eye exams (depending on age) in determining whether or not you have glaucoma. Glaucoma can be described as a plumbing problem within the eye. There is fluid produced inside the… Read More
A Note to Patients with an Astigmatism

“Can I still experience the life-changing benefits of corrective eye surgery if I have an astigmatism?” YES! The simple truth is that having an astigmatism does not disqualify you as a candidate for any of our vision correction procedures (LASIK, KAMRA® Inlay, PRK, Premium Lens Replacement, and Cataract surgery.) During your consultation, we look at… Read More
What is PRK?

What is PRK? PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is an extremely effective procedure that is an alternative to LASIK. PRK offers the same vision correction as LASIK, but differs in its approach to preparing the surface of the cornea. While LASIK employs a laser in creating the corneal flap, PRK gently removes the epithelium (the skin covering… Read More