What is PRK?

What is PRK?
PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is an extremely effective procedure that is an alternative to LASIK. PRK offers the same vision correction as LASIK, but differs in its approach to preparing the surface of the cornea. While LASIK employs a laser in creating the corneal flap, PRK gently removes the epithelium (the skin covering the cornea) so that the laser can be applied to the surface of the cornea. Typically, PRK is reserved for those patients whose corneas are too thin to undergo LASIK or who possess corneal scars prior to surgery. You and your surgeon will decide whether LASIK or PRK is better suited to your needs.
Is PRK Right For Me?
- Are you having difficulty reading or seeing far away?
- Do you have trouble with depth perception?
- Do you have an astigmatism?
- Are you looking for the benefits of LASIK but can’t have LASIK?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are probably a candidate for PRK.
Schedule a consultation and speak with a doctor to find out!