How Long Does LASIK Last? LASIK Touch Ups

The lasting effects of LASIK have been studied since it gained widespread acceptance for vision correction in the year 2000, making it the most studied elective procedure. Studies have shown that 95 to 98 percent of laser vision correction patients obtain a minimum of 20/40 vision.
Once you’ve obtained that level of vision, can you maintain it? The answer is yes and no. Let’s look at what the typical LASIK surgery patient can expect as he or she moves immediately from post-op and on down through the years.
General Post-Operative Expectations
Three to six months after surgery, most patients find their vision has stabilized and they can now determine what their final vision will be.
Again, by the six month mark, patients should know the cumulative effect of the LASIK surgery and have stable vision. Visual acuity should remain fairly constant for the rest of life, assuming that cataracts or other age-related diseases don’t develop.
As you approach your forties, your near-sightedness will change, as it does even for those who never needed glasses or contacts. At this point, you’ll likely need some type of correction for reading.
Our LASIK surgeons at Katzen Eye Group in Baltimore and Lutherville, Maryland can help you with initial procedures, as well as LASIK touchups. Please contact us today to schedule your appointment.