A Balanced, Nutrient Rich Diet Can Prevent the Worsening of Glaucoma

You can add “stall the progression of glaucoma” to the long list of reasons why you should eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.
Ever since grade school, we have been taught the importance of eating regular meals with ingredients from all four food groups. The American Heart Association recommends meals that consist of grains, fruits and veggies, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and lean meats with each meal favoring fruits, vegetables, and grains. On the flip side, you should avoid regularly consuming foods with added sugars and saturated fat. Following these dietary recommendations results in a decreased risk of heart disease, more energy, and overall improved health.
One of the more specific recommendations for a healthy diet advises individuals to eat meals largely consisting of fruits and veggies with particular emphasis placed on dark green, leafy veggies. A recent study by the Glaucoma Research Foundation suggests that these powerhouse plants may also contribute to preventing the worsening of glaucoma.
Glaucoma is an eye condition where fluid builds up, increasing the pressure in the eye and eventually damaging the optic nerve. While there is no cure for glaucoma, it is treatable, and if caught early permanent vision loss can be prevented. An ophthalmologist will prescribe eye drops or medication that can reduce the pressure in the eye and prevent irreversible damage to the optic nerve. Early prevention is vital; vision loss due to glaucoma cannot be reversed.
While there is no cure for glaucoma, a healthy diet that includes nutrient-rich foods, active living, and no smoking has long been considered a way to reduce the long-term effects of glaucoma.
The study by the Glaucoma Research Foundation and published by Dr. Amish Doshi on Science Daily states that fruits and veggies are important for eye health due to their concentration of carotenoids which are beneficial to vision. Additionally, fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of vitamin A and C are believed to have a helpful effect for those combatting glaucoma. The study points out particular foods that those with glaucoma should start eating more of such as spinach, Brussels sprouts, green beans, celery, kale, and more.
A healthy lifestyle is advised for a whole host of reasons, glaucoma being one of many good ones. That being said, simply increasing your intake of spinach and kale will not be enough to treat your glaucoma on its own – it is just helpful. A dilation test is needed in order for your doctor to check the pressure within your eye and ensure that there is no undue strain on the optic nerve.
Give us a call at Katzen Eye Group and book your dilation test to check for any early signs of glaucoma. If caught early, our Katzen eye professionals can discuss treatment options to ensure your glaucoma does not progress any further. We are dedicated to your eye health and care. Stop by our Lutherville, Baltimore, or Rosedale locations. We look forward to taking care of you.